Tamiera pictured above at (12 years old)
Multi RBISS Aust Ch Airebis Arctic Whisper
4 August 1996 ~ 27 July 2009
Hips: 2 (Right) 3 (Left) Total of 5
International grade A:A (0:0)
~ Tamiera ~
So this is where we part, My Beautiful Friend,
and you'll run on, around the bend.
Gone from sight, but not from my heart or mind,
sweet memories, I'll be sure to find.
I will go on, I'll find the strength,
life measures quality, not its length.
One long embrace before you leave,
share one last look, before I grieve.
There are others, that much is true,
they are great, but baby girl they aren't you.
A life we have shared for many years,
the wonderful times will help with all my tears.
Your place I'll hold, you will be missed,
the soft white fur I stroked, the wet nose I kissed.
And as you journey to your final rest,
take with you this...Mez, I loved you best.
I held you in my arms at the beginning and at the end.
Forever I will miss you, My Best Friend.
~ * ~ Sweet Dreams ~ * ~
Our Story

The Younger Days
Our adventure began 4 August 96, Tika gave birth to a litter of 7. Tamiera had our attention from the start, a lovely structured puppy with loads of personality.
At the tender age of 3 months & 1 day, Tamiera stepped into the ring, taking Baby Puppy in Show (Sunbury, 5 Nov 96), from then on she never looked back. She was granted her Champion title with four 25 point Challenges; Tamiera stood out winning many in group & in show awards, taking the Samoyed Club of Victoria's point score in all age groups - Top Puppy 96/97, Junior 97/98, Intermediate 98/99 & Most Successful Bitch 2000/01. We were extremely proud of her Best of Breed - 2001 Melbourne Royal & Runner Up in Show at the 2001 Samoyed National. She just loved the shows, but mostly just loved to be with me.

(left) as a younger bitch winning Reserve Challenge to her Mother
Tika "Ch Airebis Love in the Mist" at the Samoyed Club of Victoria Chammpionship show 2000,
(right) Tamiera winning Challenge Bitch and Runner Best in Show at the Fifth Samoyed National
held in Melbourne in 2001.
Tamiera specialised in having morning discussions with all the family. She was a very special girl, one in a million out of very special parents. Tamiera had loads of energy, personality, but most of all loyalty. We shared a very special bond that no one could break, I spoilt her rotten but she gave it back tenfold in love & kisses. I adored her as much as she did me.
Spoiling her did have it's down sides, she thought she was human and expected to go everywhere with me. She wasn't happy if I handled another dog, or didn't allow her to sleep with me of a night time. Mating her was a challenge, but she couldn't have been a better mother to her two litters.
We got up to mischieve and many adventures great and small. Anything I had she wanted - Hot mints, Chips, Apples... It didn't matter what it was Mez didn't care. I am an Asthmatic and every night I would take my spray before bed, one morning I woke to find Meira had chewed it as she saw me take it every night.
Tamiera had many nicknames & knew them all; Mez, Mesymoo, Baby Girl, LaLa, Snooky, Miera....

I trained her to do the typical dog things; sit, stay, roll over, shake hands left, shake hands right, jump up (for cuddles, which she would jump into my arms and put a paw either side of my neck & cuddle) but I think her special trick was her kiss (not a lick) she would put her lips against my cheek softly and then look at me with love.
Tamiera & I (Kellie) were a team with a special bond that could be seen clearly from the love and unity in & out of the show ring. Tamiera was reconised by Overseas, Interstate and Specialist Judges for her true type, soundness and wonderful personality. She was a girl that just "stood out in a crowd".
Above all she was my best friend, and I have so many wonderful memories.
Getting Older
Tamiera became a grandmother figure to our young kids "Inka" and "Shimmer" often cuddling up with them on the sack beds. She taught them respect, but she was never agressive towards them... The kids and Coco showed love towards Tamiera often licking her face. I think they kept her young.
As an older dog, Tamiera could only go to speciality shows, and was always disappointed when the kids were heading off to an All breeds Show. Tamiera would stand at the back door excited, and dancing at the sight of a lead. She really did just love going to shows. I would take her occassionally and pretend to show her, so she would get her show fix.
Tamiera as a young girl had beautiful biscuit colouring behind her ears, but as she got older Tamiera developed this all through her coat. This is something treasured in the Samoyed breed.
We were so proud of Tamiera and her achievements and were thrilled to say, she never lost her love of the show ring or that special spark that made the judges notice her.
Samoyed Club of South Australia
2009 Championship Show:
Tamiera managed to be placed in all classes she was entered, she was an oldie but a goodie!
VETERANS 10+ 3rd

Tamiera at her last show - SA 2009
Samoyed Club of South Australia
2008 Championship Show:
VETERANS 10+ Best Bitch
Tamiera hid her sickness well. Mez travelled with us (she wouldn't have it any other way) & attended the 2009 SA Championship Show (pictured above); she just loved shows & thought she was a princess when she hit the ring, running along by by my side, standing with a smile and showing the love she has always shown, not to mention "Miss Attitude". She was happy, and showed no signs of slowing down.
But when we returned as the weeks past, I noticed my girl was getting tired and slow, she was sleeping most of the day and drinking a lot more water than usual. Her breathing started to sound husky and I became very worried. An x-ray confirmed my fears - the vet was surprised to see she was still with us, as she had tumours all through her lungs, but she was eatting and happy. So she came home, (with medication to keep her comfortable), we cuddled knowing our time together was drawing near.
I cancelled all my plans for the weekend, and spent every minute with my baby girl.
The morning of Monday, 27 July 2009 (not even a week later). Tamiera looked at me, and I knew this day would be our last. We cuddled for hours, then in her sleep she slipped away. Tamiera said goodbye, but the memories will live forever.
I miss you my sweet girl, everyday!
Tamiera was recognised by Overseas, Interstate and Specialist Judges for her true type, soundness and wonderful personality. She has been an honour to love own and show. Tamiera was shown sparingly (mainly the Major Shows)...
Some of her past achievements include:
Challenge Bitch and Runner up In Show Samoyed National Show 2001 – Judge Mr Geoff Grounds (UK)
BOB 1999 Royal Melbourne Show
Challenge Bitch/RUIS 1999 SCV Championship Show
Challenge Bitch Hobart Royal 2003
Tamiera was most successful:
Puppy Bitch 96/97
Junior Bitch 97/98
Intermediate Bitch SCV 98/99
Most Successful Bitch SCV 2000/01